Advocates for a Safer Kentucky

ASK is a network of Kentuckians bound by our desire to have a state free from gun tragedies.

We are the new majority of Kentuckians who believe in a common sense approach to ending gun tragedies in our state.

We are a network of Kentuckians—Republican/Democrat, urban/rural, gun-owner and non gun-owner—bound by our desire to have a state free from gun tragedies.

We represent all 120 counties and the majority of Kentuckians that do not believe we have to choose between our 2nd Amendment rights and firearm safety.

We are disturbed and heartbroken by the all too common occurrence of gun tragedies and are asking our lawmakers to adopt common sense policies to keep Kentuckians safe.

3 things you can do right now to advocate for common sense policies to keep Kentuckians safe


Join the ASK network

Our objective is to provide a platform for the majority of Kentuckians to have their voice heard in Frankfort. We’ll keep you informed on advocacy efforts and ask you to join us in Frankfort in January (2025 date TBD!) to show legislators we are the new majority.


Ask friend to join ASK

We will measure our success based on how many members join the network across all 120 counties of Kentucky. Ask one friend to join this effort. Bonus points if you ask folks in counties outside of Fayette and Jefferson counties.


Leave a message for your legislators that you are in favor CARR legislation

Calling is easy, takes 1 minute, and is incredibly impactful. Legislators look at the numbers of calls and emails they get on legislation in order to make their decisions.

More About ASK

  • 1) To attend the “ASK for a Safer Kentucky” gathering at the State Capitol in January 2025 (date coming soon!)

    2) To exponentially grow the network by also asking one (or more!) friends to join

  • No.

  • We aim to create a network across the state of Kentucky that is so strong that it convinces lawmakers that it is politically advantageous to pass gun legislation that has a proven ability to reduce gun tragedies.

  • ASK is a statewide group of citizens concerned about the safety of their loved ones and communities who want gun tragedies in Kentucky to end. ASK is made of a variety of people from all walks of life. Most importantly, ASK is nonpartisan and includes both gun owners and non-gun owners. Anyone who wants gun tragedies in Kentucky to end is welcome to join ASK. Our goal is to include people from all 120 counties in Kentucky.

  • Yes! ASK will host webinars to share more about who we are, what we’re trying to accomplish, and answer any questions you may have. Once you join ASK, we will invite you to these optional monthly webinars.

    We can also speak to groups of friends and community groups about ASK. Email if you are interested.

  • When you join ASK, we will send you a calendar invite for the January 2025 event date at the State Capitol in Frankfort. As details for the event are finalized, we will send you email communication with additional information and/or update the calendar invite.

  • More details will be released as they become available, but there will be a speaking program with special guests.

  • The determining difference in the ASK effort will be the sheer size of the network and annual gathering in Frankfort. We know that the majority of Kentuckians are in favor of evidence-based gun regulation, but today lawmakers are convinced that this issue is a political liability. Thus lawmakers would rather “do nothing” than risk being labeled “anti 2nd Amendment.”

    By approaching this issue in a nonpartisan, inclusive and straightforward way, we hope to galvanize the majority view to convince lawmakers that doing nothing to keep Kentucky free from gun tragedies is not politically viable.

  • The ASK network will be so expansive and representative of the entire state of Kentucky that lawmakers will be convinced that inaction on this issue will result in loss of voter base.

  • Our goal is to grow our event every year and to eventually have 100,000 people at the ASK for a Safer Kentucky event, but we need your help to get there! Sharing with your family and friends and asking them to join and share is so important to making this a successful event.

Join us to ASK for a Safer Kentucky in January 2025 (date coming soon!) in Frankfort, Kentucky.

Will you join us to end gun tragedies in Kentucky?